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Rander CTI SMDR 3.8

Rander CTI SMDR 3.8

Rander CTI SMDR Publisher's Description

CTI SMDR Rander server can collect SMDR information via the same CTI connection (USB or LAN for TDA PBX, COM for TD PBX). Information is stored into text log files that you can import into accounting software or process manually.

CTI SMDR advantages:
1. Reliable operation
2. Works as service without human interaction
3. Can store information in multiple formats simultaneously
4. Can work via USB and LAN connection

Go to Options - CTI SMDR menu to open CTI SMDR settings dialog. This dialog is accessible only when you are connected to server and only when you have Rander administrator privileges. Here you can enable or disable SMDR information collection, choose logs formats, date format, path to store logs to. If path is not specifyed logs are stored to ServerSMDR subdirectory of Rander installation path. The path should be absolute.

You can register CTI SMDR separately from Rander registration. In demonstration mode only first 30 calls are stored after each server startup.

1. CTI SMDR doesn't collect internal calls information (PBX restriction)
2. CTI SMDR doesn't display the ring time (PBX restriction)
3. If the server is being stopped it should be done correctly. If server crashes or you kill it some calls may be lost. If server is stopped correctly the calls are stored into the PBX buffer and may be recieved on next server startup.

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